My Story


My story is filled with milestones of joy and tragedy. I can see the handprints of God guiding me as I went. During a revival, I made Christ Lord of my life as a small boy in my church's pew. In High School, I started to understand what that meant. Through this grace awakening, I felt the call to use my gifts and abilities to change my world and be a harbinger of the gospel in new and creative ways. In college and seminary, I learned the value of storytelling and laughter to spread joy throughout the world. In working with troubled teens, I learned to love those who need it most.

I received true inspiration through the marriage to my sweet wife, and a fresh understanding of true love was with the birth of my first three children. I then learned the significance of chosen love as we walked through the adoption of our youngest child from China. I also grew through loss. My father suddenly passed away several years ago. The pain from that day still echoes in my life, but the lessons I learned from him inspire me to be a godly dad and husband for my family.

Throughout my life, I have sought to tell stories, change the world, and share the love of God through creativity and media. I have had the unique pleasure of seeing God work in my life and others worldwide. I learned to trust and follow him from the backwoods of Canada to a youth home in Hallsville, to a large contemporary church, and now to a vibrant suburban church. I realize this is just the beginning of my journey. I want to use my gifts and abilities in a missional setting to bring others to Christ. As God continues to teach and show me, I see the need for God's love to impact others through technology, and I am committed and honored to serve others through that task.

Philemon 4-7 - I thank my God always when I remember you in my prayers, because I hear of your love and of the faith that you have toward the Lord Jesus and for all the saints … I have derived much joy and comfort from your love, my brother, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you.